Paid to call it COVID

Information pulled together for an email exchange about settlements in civil litigation seeking redress for the survivors of those killed by hospital homicide protocols and vaccination: non-validated Covid diagnostic testing, Covid diagnostic coding, isolation, restraint, starvation, dehydration, sedation, poisoning with EUA products, and suffocation with ventilators.

  • They asked me to change his death certificate to read he passed due to Covid so they could help me financially. FEMA had me on the line for over 45 min. They placed me on hold several times and kept asking me to just change it to Covid. I told them that I would never do that and I would definitely never disrespect my son in that way. I would never falsify any documents for financial gain. The lady lowered her voice to a whisper and said, “I’m so sorry Mr. Ramirez,” and hung up…”

As of January 2024, FEMA had spent $2.8 billion in hush money to families of 499,096 dead people.

Families received an average of $6,500 per death.

Source: On confidential settlements and hush money to suppress public understanding of government-directed killing programs.