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Vaccine damage and death

ASC001-Awake Cupcake This show will have its own audiofeed. Make sure you subscribe to it! I’ll put some of the first shows in the FAK feed so it can be found. iFrame is not supported! Play in new window | Download

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“Why vaccines do not work” in a nutshell A lot of people have spent a lot of time arguing about the pros and cons of vaccines. In reality there are no pros, only cons. Vaccines are a complete con and always have been. People ignore the blindingly obvious which is this and irrefutable. 1. Vaccines contain, if anything, poisons or foreign bodies.1 […]

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Everyone’s sick – but it can never be the vaccine

Mass poisoning = mass psychosis. Many families felt the same gloom. In Markham, Lydia Kim tried everything she could to get her 10-year-old daughter’s 104.7°F fever to break. In 15 years of raising children, she’d never seen a number that frightening on the thermometer. At urgent care, the doctor told her it was an upper respiratory […]

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