Federal and state poison-legalizing laws and quarantine laws matter more than the UN, WHO and the IHR.
Forget the WHO.
Focus on your own government.
This is the main point on which my work differs from the social, political and economic organizing work of those who refuse to discuss the federal and state laws already on the books.
Their silence on the existing federal and state laws is the basis on which I assess their work as non-credible.
They want to keep public attention on largely irrelevant, unenforceable international legal instruments, to keep it away from extremely relevant, enforceable, deceit-, mutilation- and murder-legalizing federal and state kill box statutes, fake-regulations, and case law.
Jan. 10, 2024 – On international and US legal instruments governing “adjustment of domestic legislative and administrative arrangements” and exercise of political authority during declared public health emergencies.
Jan. 22, 2024 – On the omission of the July 28, 1945 Senate ratification vote, from a draft Congressional repeal bill purporting to withdraw the US from the United Nations.
April 2, 2024 – Help state and federal lawmakers understand the legal predicaments created and maintained by international and domestic public health emergency law.
April 17, 2024 – Globalist misleaders focus public attention on WHO International Health Regulations to distract people from understanding and repealing federal and state public health emergency law.
April 19, 2024 – Current Congress members have legal authority and moral agency to stop vaccine-mediated mutilation and killing programs worldwide. That’s why so many people work so hard to make it difficult for Congress members to understand the authority they hold in their hands, and to use it.
May 7, 2024 – Pandemics are fake. Federal and state public health emergency kill box laws can be repealed and nullified.
June 13, 2024 – Parsing “Yay, we did it!” informational misdirection campaigns.
Jacob’s Dream. Bartolome Esteban Murillo.
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