All Shots Clot

Vaccine damage and death

Del Bigtree gatekeeper Del said that this bill was “too clever” for some people to understand and that it was a “Trojan horse” meant to pave the way for more vaccine testing. I’m not in favor of vaccine testing at all. I’m certainly not in favor of testing childhood vaccines on children. This is what Del Bigtree […]

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National and worldwide vaccination programs and US-FDA vaccine non-regulation as among the longest of long cons.

National and worldwide vaccination programs and US-FDA vaccine non-regulation as among the longest of long cons. Learn to distrust pharma, FDA, Congress, vaccination, vaccine-regulation, and ‘vaccine confidence’ promotional campaigns. For more than 100 years, confidence men (con men) have been inducing marks to accept real chronic disease and sudden death, caused by vaccination, in exchange […]

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On hospital and nursing home death protocols.

A reader at Hana’s Substack suggested that health care workers would not have and do not commit intentional acts to harm patients, because they would have been and are concerned about losing their medical licenses. My reply, expanded: The HCWs licenses were and are on the line only to the extent they refused/refuse the orders […]

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HPV Vaccine – by Dr Christopher Exley There is no ‘top trumps’ on the worst of vaccines that include an aluminium adjuvant. However, so-called vaccines against the human papilloma virus (HPV) must give most a run for their money.

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What’s In A Vaccine? With Suzanne Humphries, M.D. | Childrens Health Defense What’s In A Vaccine? With Suzanne Humphries, M.D.Dr. Suzanne Humphries returns to ‘Pediatric Perspectives’ for an invigorating conversation on the observable contrasts between the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, how immunizations affect the immune system, ingredients in the shots, types of injections, standards for developmental milestones, disease prevalence and more.

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Vaccine Science and Myth Vaccine Science and Mythby Sarah Myhill, MB, BSOMNS (May 31, 2024) I am a conventionally trained medical doctor who was taught, during the 1970s, how vaccines were a vital protection against infectious disease and responsible for the massive reductions in infectious disease. I now believe the opposite – vaccines are driving many diseases of […]

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