Month: January 2024


ASC003-Your phone calls

Dolly Parton sings and gets COVID vaccine shot – YouTube Vaxine Bailiwick News | Katherine Watt | Substack A Compilation of Donald Trump Pushing and Taking Credit for the Jab Origin (Brown novel) – Wikipedia …


A Mystery in Portugal

Portugal has the highest COVID-19 vaccination rate in the world. September 2021 Portugal registers highest level of excess deaths in Europe January 2024 We don’t know it’s the vaxx… UPDATE: The English are similarly confused. …


ASC002-Milo healthcare worker

Milo from California discusses Covid from an healthcare worker perspective Katherine Watt’s best post – All Shots Clot American Domestic Bioterrorism Program – by Katherine Watt Penn and Teller on Vaccinations – YouTube …


Info for the next wave The legal framework supporting federal and state government use of police power to apprehend, detain and quarantine individuals sits on three legs. I’m writing about the federal framework because I speculate that the quarantine …


A Strange Hill to Die At some point, even these reality-challenged sportswriters have got to find themselves thinking, “you know, maybe Novak Djokovic knew what he was doing when he gave up his chance at two Majors in order …