Clots shots legal in US – forget the ICC

Not one congressman, including the vaunted Thomas Massie, is on the correct side of this issue, as laid out by Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News.

The crimes that have been committed happened upstream and long before the Covid vaccines, and are crimes of treason committed by lawmakers, executives, civil administrators and judges in passing, signing, executing and judicially ratifying the illegal laws that have legalized mass murder by vaccine.

Further, my work doesn’t support and isn’t supported by the work of Francis A. Boyle, Aaron Siri and Thomas Massie.

Boyle argues that Covid 19 injections violate the Biological Weapons Antiterrorism Act of 1989.

I argue that intentionally lethal injections [and lethal products delivered through other delivery systems such as nasal sprays and microneedle patches] are legalized as falling under Biological Weapons Antiterrorism Act exemptions for allegedly “prophylactic, protective or bona fide research” products and “select agents.” [18 USC 175-178; 42 CFR 73]

“Select agents and toxins” is the misleading term used by HHS and the Public Health Service/US military, to designate vaccine components, which are intentionally harmful biological products, and legalize their production and use on human and animal targets.

I have not read Siri’s testimony in detail, nor have I read Massie’s 600+ page report in detail, because both reports provide false information in the first few paragraphs.

Siri and Massie argue that there is an enforceable regulatory framework governing design, production and use of vaccines and EUA products and that the clinical trials for Covid vaccines were “robust.”

I argue that there is no such enforceable regulatory framework and that the so-called “clinical trials” were non-valid and were performative only.

There is only a pretense or sham regulatory process, including fraudulent oversight of fraudulent clinical trials.

The only purpose of the multi-layer fraud is to deceive the public into believing the lies that a regulatory framework exists and has been applied to Covid vaccines, and any/all other vaccines.

There is no substantive legal relationship between FDA acts and decisions, and the safety and efficacy of products bearing “vaccine” labels.

Source: (3) Congress, through 18 USC 175, legalized HHS/PHS/military production and use of biological weapons, by classifying them as ‘select agents and toxins.’