Katherine Watt answers 24 questions
Please support her work.
I love her position on chemtrails.
causes of sickness.
22. Chemtrails are for depopulation – Undecided, leaning No.
I tend to think high-altitude chemtrails are possibly spraying seawater in most cases and useful for 1) wasting human time and material resources (aviation planes, drones, fuels); 2) scaring people/inducing sense of helplessness about potential sources of harm they can readily see but cannot readily avoid; 3) making the act of looking up into the sky become psychologically distressing rather than joyful, reassuring, calming and/or reverent; and 4) deflecting attention from global theft (looting/hoarding of land and resources) and from biological and chemical poisoning (vaccination, drugs, low-altitude or surface outdoor and indoor/interior-of-building sprays, derailments, explosions) as primary causes of sickness.