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Vaccine damage and death

Vaccine Science and Myth Vaccine Science and Mythby Sarah Myhill, MB, BSOMNS (May 31, 2024) I am a conventionally trained medical doctor who was taught, during the 1970s, how vaccines were a vital protection against infectious disease and responsible for the massive reductions in infectious disease. I now believe the opposite – vaccines are driving many diseases of […]

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What’s in them? A nurse once told me that vaccines were “mostly water”, so I realized I’d have to do the digging myself, and what I found honestly shocked me. Because there are so many vaccines administered during childhood, today we will be looking at the ones recommended during pregnancy. So, let’s just start in the womb, […]

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The Great Unvaxxing – Vox Popoli I’m interested to know what percentage of the readers here were vaxxed, regardless of what their reasons might have been. It’s totally anonymous and the poll isn’t even connected to a registered account, so there is no need to fear being criticized for your decision, whatever it might have been. I’ll post the results […]

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University of Colorado’s COVID vaccine mandate is defeated in the 10th circuit court The 10th circuit court recently ruled on the University of Colorado’s vaccine mandate policy, and the university lost big time. There administrators set an indefensible policy. Let me explain, and in doing so, see what it can teach us….

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