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Vaccine damage and death

Let this sink in a bit Punchline: The July 2018 ICAN-HHS stipulation supports the conclusion that none of those regulatory functions have been performed, no records of vaccine manufacturing regulation have been produced by FDA or regulated manufacturers, and none have been collected, assessed or used by HHS. No vaccine manufacturing safety regulation has been conducted by FDA, NIH, CDC […]

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Aluminum salts are causing all the damage It’s the adjuvants not the antigens. So, aluminium adjuvants are effective in magnifying the potency of infinitesimally small amounts of antigen because they are acutely toxic at the vaccine injection site. If the toxicity of aluminium adjuvants remained at the vaccine injection site then their use might be tolerated. We know that this is […]

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Measles virus is a hoax Important reminder: Dr. Stefan Lanka, a virologist proved in court that the “measles virus” does not exist. Dr. Stefan Lanka (German molecular biologist and virologist) won his case in the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) supporting that no one had been able to scientifically prove that a measles virus existed.

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The new rise of “shaken baby syndrome” Another express route to losing your baby. I’m getting reports of parents who had their child vaccinated subsequently being accused of “shaken baby syndrome” and had their child taken from them. Their crime? Following their doctors’ advice.

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FDA gutted years ago

The mechanisms for legalized non-regulation of biological products are very similar in structure to “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” Briefly, since the mid-1990s, citing authority derived from Congressional acts and Presidential executive orders, the Food and Drug Administration has been quietly eliminating its own regulatory functions through Federal Register rule-making notices and Guidance for Industry publications. […]

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Dtapped out The Pfizer COV vaccine was put into my son at age 9 without my consent. He’s different. He has cognitive damage. A formerly chill child is easily irritated. He had heavy breathing and trouble running. He quit cross country. His heart had an irregular beat. I know what it was. It seems to be […]

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