
Meet the dead souls of covid pushing

From Miles Mathis.

Is this guy still around? Why wasn’t he tarred and feathered and given a one-way ticket to Svalbard three years ago, along with Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, Albert Bourla, Rochelle Walensky, Tedros Ghebreyesus and thousands of others? That’s FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, one of the biggest ghouls on the planet and a mass murderer, sharing responsibility for millions of deaths. Rather than be fired and tried for crimes against humanity, Califf has been sheltered in his position in the Biden administration by the hidden monsters, and he is now pushing the next big hoax and genocide: bird flu.
He told senators this week the virus is mutating and may soon jump to humans. If it doesn’t, he will instruct his boys in the lab to keep working until it does. No doubt Pfizer has some drug in the pipeline to “cure” it, like they cured those with Covid.

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